Tag: Chronic pain

  • Everything You Need to Know About Endo

    Endometriosis is a complex illness that can cause severe symptoms in many people. There’s an array of symptoms that can suggest Endometriosis, and if you feel these symptoms apply to you, they should be discussed with your medical practitioner. Unfortunately, most doctors can’t identify the symptoms of Endometriosis, believe misinformation that is spread even in…

  • My Muscles Don’t Work Right

    My Muscles Don’t Work Right

    Today my physical therapist told me that my muscles “just don’t work right.” This might sound harsh to some, but to me, these words were incredibly validating. I have lived in chronic pain for nearly 13 years. I suffer from Endometriosis which went undiagnosed for 11 years. Endometriosis is one of the top 20 most…

  • Best Kept Secrets of the Chronically Ill

    Best Kept Secrets of the Chronically Ill

    There is a lot that no one tells you about chronic illness.